The greasers with their slicked-back hair, blue jeans and tees lived on the poorer East side of the city and were played by Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Ralph Macchio ...
The hit Netflix spin-off of the classic 1980s movie The Karate Kid has seen Ralph Macchio and William Zabka ... silver gown while letting her brunette hair loose. Lead actors Ralph, 63, and ...
Ralph Macchio, the beloved actor known for his role as Daniel LaRusso in The Karate Kid, and his wife, Phyllis Fierro, have been married for 38 years. With divorce rates in the U.S. ranging from ...
They were '80s rivals in the movie "The Karate Kid." Now Ralph Macchio and William Zabka have become "brothers in arms" on Netflix's "Cobra Kai." ...
Forty years after 'The Karate Kid,' Hollywood actor Ralph Macchio still moves through the world with the ghost of Daniel LaRusso trailing behind him.