By Houman Barekat Reviewing from London The Bridge Theater is within walking distance of the Tower of London, where in 1399 King Richard II was imprisoned and forced to abdicate England’s throne ...
In Arise, England, Burt and ­Partington, both leading historians at the University of Cambridge, offer us biographies of six Plantagenet kings, from John to Richard II, charting the “emergence ...
On the canopy at the back of the heads there are stamped shields with the arms of Edward the Confessor impaling France and England quarterly ... over the tomb of Richard II... thesis by Abigail ...
YORK fears that GAUNT ‘s intended advice to RICHARD will fall upon deaf ears but GAUNT hopes to persuade the vain King that his rule cannot last if he continues to treat England in such a manner.
Right now, accusations of ill-advised stunt casting are being flung at the West End, but Nicholas Hytner’s take on Shakespeare’s corrupt king Richard II is innocent of these charges ...
Richard II had been crowned 4 ... Following a civil war with King Stephen, their son Henry II ruled vast lands in England and France. Magna Carta. videoMagna Carta Magna Carta is one of the ...
The trend continues as he now takes on the role of Shakespeare's Richard II at the Bridge Theatre in London. He tells the BBC that his portrayal of the authoritarian king who ruled in the 1300s ...
OK, that’s the wrong play since it’s a line from “Macbeth,” but it best sums up Jonathan Bailey’s performance in the new London production of “Richard II”: The actor cranks up ...
The film begins as KING RICHARD II (Ben Whishaw) tries to resolve a bitter ... King that his rule cannot last if he continues to treat England in such a manner. As YORK predicts, RICHARD indeed ...