John Lennon's I Am the Walrus lyrics have been deciphered to discover the Beatles song's hidden meaning by a music expert.
Lewis Carroll’s fantastical writing style wasn’t the only driving inspiration for John Lennon’s classic Beatles track, “I Am the Walrus,” although a quick read through the musician’s ...
John Lennon once stormed out of a radio studio when the DJ played a song that was created as a parody of The Beatles. The late singer, who was assassinated in New York City in 1980, became furious ...
John Lennon and the rest of The Beatles were ... “The words didn’t mean a lot,” he said when talking about “I Am the Walrus,” per Mental Floss. “People draw so many conclusions ...
The Beatles came across Bob Dylan for the first time, and it completely revolutionised their outlook on music.
John Lennon’s writing style employed almost ... The Beatle utilized these techniques on songs like “I Am the Walrus” and “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” too. Lennon’s book, In His ...