Now a museum, this 18th-century plantation house (also known as Bush Hill House) was the base for George Washington and his sick half-brother Lawrence (who had tuberculosis) for two months in 1751.
Feb. 22, 1732 George Washington is born in a modest house at Popes Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia. His father, Augustine, is a plantation owner who dies when George is 11. June 15 ...
Curators at George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate sought out rare 18th-century wallpaper for an ongoing restoration project. The wallpaper was found at the Old York Historical Society in Maine, ...
George Washington was the son of Augustine Washington (1694-1743) and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington (1708-1789). The Washington family moved to Ferry Farm Plantation in 1738. Located on the ...
DelmasLehman/iStock via Getty Images On December 14, 1799, about two and a half years into George Washington's retirement, three doctors were called to the ex-president’s house to treat him for ...