Geoff Zahn has the experience and the leadership skills to maintain our fiscal well-being and bring the focus of our school district back onto the importance of academic excellence. Geoff is a man ...
Prior Lake resident and parent Geoffrey Zahn announced his candidacy for the Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools District, where four of the seven seats will be on the ballot in the 2022 election.
Employment: Profession: operations research analyst. Current: Department of Veteran Affairs/Strategic Acquisition Center. Previous Employer: Department of Defense/ Earned Value Management ...
School Board candidate Geoff Zahn has requested Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools conduct a publicly funded recount of the 2022 School Board election. Per Minnesota Statute, 204C.36, a losing ...
Lakers4Change is a political action committee (PAC) that endorses four school board candidates (Bill Markert, Lisa Atkinson, Amy Bullyan, and Geoff Zahn) with ties to extremist right-wing ideology.