28 1227 According to the Apostle Paul, the believer enters through Baptism into communion with Christ's death, is buried with him, and rises with him: Do you not know that all of us who have been ...
Baptism does what nothing else can. As Martin Luther said, by baptism “we are made holy and are saved, which no other kind of ...
People have said to me, “baptism is essential to salvation” others have said, “I do not believe baptism is essential to salvation.” There are many opinions on the subject of baptism but the important ...
The most important argument for believer’s baptism comes from the writings of the Apostle Paul in Romans 6: Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised ...
Apostle Joseph Felix Kwasi Mensah, the Chairman of the Executive Council of the Great Commission Church International (GCCI) has appealed to pastors to do the work of an Evangelist.He reiterated that ...