Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, typically takes the first or second spot. In honor of Lincoln’s 216th birthday, February 12, 1809, here are some facts that you may not ...
In honor of Abraham ... as Washington’s Birthday at the federal level, Presidents’ Day will be observed on Monday, Feb. 17, honoring the birth of the nation’s first president, George Washington.
(AP) - Like the other Founding Fathers, George ... as Washington’s Birthday, although it has come to be known informally as Presidents Day. Arguments have been made to honor President Lincoln ...
When it comes to Mexican presidents, Benito Juárez is pretty difficult to beat in terms of achievements and legacy.
Americans enjoy a handful of federal holidays every year, and most of them have relatively straightforward definitions. Veterans Day honors military service. The Fourth of July acknowledges the ...
Monday, Feb. 17 is Presidents Day, a federal holiday to observe the birthdays of former presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. While the holiday is sometimes misunderstood as a ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky ... “I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead, and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I ...
Then there were the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln on Feb. 12 and George Washington on Feb. 22. An art project for these birthdays was cutting out silhouettes from black construction paper and ...
History Uncovered Podcast Episode 58: Fun Facts About George Washington And Abraham ... prior to his career as a lawyer Abraham Lincoln excelled at wrestling. Born in 1809, Lincoln was living ...