Those walking by the south-facing entrance of the West Virginia State Capitol may notice a bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln ...
The only photograph of Abraham Lincoln in death almost never ... call from James Wheeler of Des Moines whose father was Lincoln's White House gardener [Thomas G. Wheeler]. James Wheeler knew ...
Abraham Lincoln’s assassination ... and citizens following the hearse from the White House to the Capitol stretched well over a mile—“the grandest procession ever seen on this continent ...
Abraham Lincoln is often ranked as one of the ... In 1862, while the family was in the White House, 11-year-old Willie died of typhoid fever. Little Tad, who eventually recovered from the typhoid ...
Historians rated the US presidents on leadership qualities. The survey did not include Joe Biden since he was still in office ...
According to the White House, the tradition of granting clemency to a turkey dates back to 1863, when Abraham Lincoln apparently pardoned one. Poultry dealers had been sending birds to the White ...
While water was Lincoln's libation of choice, it wasn't his only non-alcohol drink in the White House. Hay noted in his letters that Honest Abe sipped coffee at breakfast, and would have a glass ...
Sitting beneath a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, more than two dozen of the most powerful figures in the U.S. cryptocurrency ...
Abraham Lincoln grew up on the American frontier ... During his time in the White House, Lincoln's ideas about slavery — and about blacks — evolved. His meetings with prominent African ...